Casola in Lunigiana Village - 320 mslm

The town of Casola in Lunigiana, considered the “gateway” to the Apuan Alps Park, embraces both the Apennine and Apuan mountain chains on the border of the Lunigiana and Garfagnana regions, an area that along the centuries was a crossroad of merchants and pilgrims.

The fortified town developed in the 15th century around a castle, whose only its cylindrical tower and a few wall fragments remain. For ages Casola was the property of the Malaspina di Fosdinovo family. In 1841, together with Fivizzano became part of the Duchy of Modena, and in 1859 the town was added to the Massa-Carrara province.

The old Palazzo comunale today host the Museum of the High Valley of the Aulella Territory, which contains remains of human settlements in the Lunigiana area, dating to the Lower Paleolithic era.

The village is well preserved and emits a suggestive air, vaunting noble palaces, elegant passageways, and shops with medieval and Renaissance flair.

Don’t miss, in the surroundings the Romanesque-style parish churches (Pievi) of Santi Cornelio e Cipriano in Codiponte and of San Pietro in Offiano.