Oasi LIPU of Bianello - 190 mslm

The Oasi Lipu of Bianello is a protected area of ​​196 hectares, which is very interesting both from a historical and naturalistic/geological point of view. Since 2012 it has also included the “Colli di Quattro Castella” SAC and is therefore included in the network of European Natura 2000. The area includes the 4 hills of Quattro Castella (from West to East: Zane, Lucio, Bianello and Vetro) and it is crossed by a broad network of well-trodden paths, which offer visitors the opportunity to discover some hidden corners of nature and its rich biodiversity.

The Oasis is also an outdoor educational laboratory in which LIPU has been promoting environmental education with school students and visiting families for over 30 years.