Museum of the Alta Valle Aulella Territory – 320 m slm

The Museum of the Alta Valle Aulella, located in the ancient Ambrosi palace in the center of the village of Casola in Lunigiana, collects vestiges of the cultural identity of local people. The territory is narrated from different points of view following a thematic path. From the prehistoric era there are remains of the Middle Palaeolithic and the Metal Age, that were found in the sites of the Tecchia di Equi, the Tana della Volpe and the Grotta delle Felci. Chronologically we then pass from the stele statues (in cast), to the castles ruins, to the Roman remains and to the medieval capitals and baptismal fonts of the parishes and churches of the area. The popular religiosity is reflected in the local sacred art kept here: chalices, monstrances and sacred vestments, works made on site by the Confraternities, the lanterns and the majesties.

In the museum you can also find information for various educational itineraries in some important sites of the area: the Tecchia di Equi terme, seat of the speleo bear and the Neanderthal man, the medieval village of Gragnola, Codiponte, Monte dei Bianchi and the churches of Offiano, Codiponte and San Lorenzo di Minucciano.

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+39 0585 90361
Via IV Novembre, 54014, Casola in Lunigiana

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